我们来看开头常用的句型。开篇是吸引读者注意力的关键,一个出彩的开头能为整篇文章增色不少。例如:“There is a common saying that...”(有一句俗语……),这个句型可以巧妙地引出话题,同时借助广为人知的俗语增强说服力。比如在写关于坚持的作文时,就可以这样开头:“There is a common saying that perseverance is the key to success. It means that only by constant effort and persistence can we achieve our goals.”(有一句俗语叫坚持是成功的关键。这意味着只有通过持续的努力和坚持,我们才能实现目标。)还有“Nowadays, it has become a widespread concern that...”(如今,……已成为普遍关注的问题),适用于提出当下热门的社会现象或问题开启讨论,像探讨环境污染问题时:“Nowadays, it has become a widespread concern that environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious. We should take measures to solve this problem.”(如今,环境污染日益严重已成为普遍关注的问题。我们应该采取措施解决这个问题。)
主体段落阐述观点时,也有许多实用的句型。“Firstly,... Secondly,... Finally,”这是最基础的列举观点句型,层次分明地呈现多个论据。比如论述运动的好处:“Firstly, doing sports can keep us healthy. Secondly, it helps us relax after a long time of study or work. Finally, we can make friends while playing sports.”(进行运动能让我们保持健康。它能帮我们在长时间学习或工作后放松。我们能在运动时交朋友。)“In addition, what's more, moreover”等表示递进关系的词组,能让论述更加深入。例如:“In addition, reading can broaden our horizons. What's more, it can improve our language skills.”(此外,阅读能拓宽我们的视野。而且,它还能提升我们的语言技能。)“The reason why... is that...”用于解释原因:“The reason why I love reading is that it can take me to a different world.”(我之所以热爱阅读,是因为它能把我带到一个不同的世界。)
结尾部分同样有经典句型来升华主题或总结全文。“All in all, in conclusion”这类总结性句型不可或缺。如:“All in all, perseverance plays an important role in our life. We should learn to be persevering in the face of difficulties.”(坚持在我们生活中起着重要作用。面对困难,我们应该学会坚持。)“It is high time that we...”表示呼吁采取行动:“It is high time that we took measures to protect our environment.”(是我们采取措施保护环境的时候了。)“Only in this way, can we...”强调方法的重要性:“Only in this way, can we achieve our dreams.”(只有这样,我们才能实现梦想。)
1.“There is a common saying that...”引入话题,以俗语增强说服力。
2.“Nowadays, it has become a widespread concern that...”提出热门社会现象或问题开启讨论。 二、主体段落阐述观点句型及示例
1.“Firstly,... Secondly,... Finally”列举观点。
2.“In addition, what's more, moreover”表示递进关系让论述深入。
3.“The reason why... is that...”用于解释原因。
1.“All in all, in conclusion”总结全文或升华主题。
2.“It is high time that we...”呼吁采取行动。
3.“Only in this way, can we...”强调方法重要性。
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