


高	中英语作文范文100字

关于个人成长类话题的范文。例如,描述自己克服困难学会一项新技能的经历。“Learning to Ride a Bike”便是一个经典主题。“When I was ten, I saw other kids riding bikes freely and really wanted to join them. So I decided to learn it myself. At first, it was tough. I fell off the bike again and again. But I wasn't discouraged. With my father's encouragement and patient guidance, I kept practicing. Finally, I could ride smoothly. From this experience, I learned that perseverance is the key to success. No matter how hard something is, as long as we stick to it, we can achieve our goals.”通过讲述学骑车时不断跌倒却不放弃,最终成功的经历,突出了坚持的重要性这一主题,且篇幅控制在100字左右,简洁明了又完整地表达了事件与感悟。

接着,校园生活也是常见话题。以“My School Day”为例。“I get up at six o'clock in the morning. After a quick wash, I have breakfast with my parents. Then I go to school by bus. Classes start at eight. There are four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. During the lunch break, I chat with my classmates. After school, I participate in the school band practice for an hour. I really enjoy my school day because I can gain knowledge and have fun at the same time.”这篇范文按照时间顺序描述了从起床到放学后的一系列活动,让读者清晰了解作者充实的校园一日,同时体现出对校园生活的喜爱,符合高中英语作文对该类话题的基本要求。

社会现象类话题的范文也很关键。如阐述“The Importance of Volunteering”。 “Volunteering is a significant part of modern society. Many people engage in volunteer work. For instance, some volunteer to teach in remote areas. They bring knowledge and hope to children there. Volunteering not only benefits those in need but also enriches the volunteers themselves. It broadens their horizons and makes them more compassionate. In a word, volunteering contributes to building a better and more harmonious society.”先点明志愿活动在当今社会的重要地位,再举例说明其具体意义,最后总结升华,强调对社会和谐发展的促进作用,逻辑清晰,语言简洁,有助于学生学习如何论述社会现象类作文。

高	中英语作文范文100字


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