


中	考英语作文模板

开头段的模板至关重要。一个常见且有效的开头方式是采用开门见山式,直接点明主题。例如,在写关于“我的爱好”的作文时,可以用“I have a lot of hobbies, but the one I like most is reading.”这样的句子开篇,简洁明了地引入主题。或者使用提问式开头,引发读者的思考,如“Do you have any special memories in your childhood? I do.”这种开头能迅速抓住读者的注意力,为下文的叙述做好铺垫。还有一种时间顺序式开头,适用于叙述事件发展过程的作文,比如“Last Sunday, I had a wonderful experience that I will never forget. It started in the morning when...”按照时间顺序依次描述,使文章结构清晰。

中间段落则是作文的主体部分,需要有丰富的内容填充。如果是记叙文,可以按照事件发展的先后顺序进行描述。比如写一次旅行经历,可这样写:“First, we went to the beautiful mountains. The scenery there was amazing, with green trees and fresh air everywhere. We climbed up the hill, laughing and talking along the way. Then, we arrived at the top, where we could see the whole city below. After enjoying the wonderful view for a while, we started our picnic. We ate delicious food and played games together, having a great time. Finally, in the afternoon, we went back home happily, feeling tired but satisfied.”通过 first、then、finally 等连接词,清晰地展现事件的经过。若是议论文,则要提出观点并进行论证。例如在讨论“是否应该养宠物”的话题时,可以先表明自己的观点:“I believe that we should raise pets. First of all, pets can bring us great joy and comfort. When we feel lonely or stressed, they are always there for us, offering unconditional love and support. For example, a dog will wag its tail and jump around when its owner comes home, making the owner feel welcomed and loved. What's more, keeping pets can also teach us responsibility. We need to feed them, take them for walks, and care for their health, which helps us learn how to take care of others. However, some people may argue that pets can be dirty or cause allergies. But with proper care and cleaning, these problems can be well solved. All in all, the benefits of raising pets far outweigh the disadvantages.”通过列举理由、举例子以及转折对比等方式,使论点更具说服力。

结尾段是对文章的总结与升华。对于记叙文,可以用抒情式结尾来表达自己的感受和体会,如“What a meaningful day it was! This experience not only made me enjoy the beauty of nature but also taught me the importance of being close to my family. I will always keep this memory in my heart.”或者采用总结式结尾,概括文章的主要内容,如“To sum up, my trip to the Great Wall was unforgettable. I saw the magnificent landscape, learned about Chinese history and culture, and overcame difficulties. It was truly a valuable journey.”在议论文中,结尾要再次强调自己的观点,如“In conclusion, it is clear that we should make efforts to protect our environment. Only by doing so can we ensure a better future for ourselves and our子孙后代. Let's take action now to make the world a cleaner and greener place.”也可以提出呼吁或建议,如“Therefore, I suggest that everyone should read more books to enrich their minds and broaden their horizons. Reading is a bridge to success and a key to a bright future. Let's start reading from now on!”通过有力的结尾,让文章的主题得到深化,给读者留下深刻的印象。














中	考英语作文模板


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