开头段的模板可以采用现象引入式。比如以“With the development of..., there has been a growing concern about...”这样的句式来引出话题。例如,在谈论环保问题时,可以说“With the development of modern industry, there has been a growing concern about environmental protection. It has become a hot topic among not only the government but also the public.”通过描述一个普遍的现象或者现状,自然地将读者带入到主题情境中,引起他们的兴趣和关注,为下文进一步的论述做好铺垫。这种开头方式能够快速点明主题相关的大背景,让文章有一个宏观的切入点,使读者对即将讨论的内容有一个初步的方向感。
正文论述段可以运用观点列举式模板。通常可以先提出一个总的观点,然后再分点阐述支持该观点的理由。如“There are mainly two reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly,... What's more,...”,以讨论网络对学习的影响为例,“There are mainly two reasons for the significant impact of the Internet on study. Firstly, it provides a vast amount of information and resources that are easily accessible to students, enabling them to broaden their knowledge horizons. What's more, it offers various online courses and learning platforms where students can learn at their own pace and according to their own schedules.”这样清晰地罗列观点和理由,使文章结构严谨,逻辑连贯,让读者能够一目了然地理解作者的思路,增强文章的说服力。同时,在阐述理由时可以结合具体的事例、数据等进行说明,使内容更加充实、可信。
然后,结尾段可以使用总结归纳并升华主题的模板。像“In conclusion, it is clear that... Therefore, we should...”这样的表达。比如在关于文化交流的话题结尾时可以说“In conclusion, it is clear that cultural exchange plays a vital role in promoting mutual understanding and harmony among different nations. Therefore, we should actively embrace and participate in cultural exchange activities, so as to build a more inclusive and harmonious world.”结尾段不仅总结了前文的主要观点,还在一定程度上对主题进行了升华,提出了呼吁或者展望,使文章有了一个圆满的收尾,给读者留下深刻的印象,让他们对文章所讨论的问题有更深入的思考。
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