开头段是文章的门面,好的开篇能吸引读者。一种常见模板是“开门见山 + 背景引入”。比如在写关于“网络对学生的影响”的作文时,可以先直接点明主题“The impact of the Internet on students is a topic of great concern.(网络对学生的影响是个备受关注的话题。)”然后简单提及一下背景“With the rapid development of technology, the Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives and exerts a profound influence on various aspects, especially on students.(随着科技的飞速发展,网络已成为我们日常生活不可或缺的一部分,并对各个方面,尤其是学生产生了深远影响。)”这样的开头既清晰明确地交代了写作主题,又为下文的展开做了铺垫。另一种开头模板是“提出问题 + 给出答案”,例如写“如何保持健康的生活方式”时,开头可以是“How can we maintain a healthy lifestyle in modern society? The answer lies in several key aspects.(在现代社会我们如何才能保持健康的生活方式?答案在于几个关键方面。)”通过提问引发读者兴趣,再顺势引出自己的论点。
正文段是文章的核心部分,需要充分论证观点。这里可以采用“分点论述 + 举例说明”的模板。以“阅读的重要性”为例,可分点这样论述:“Firstly, reading broadens our horizons. We can learn about different cultures, histories and ideas from books. For example, by reading 'Around the World in Eighty Days', we can follow the protagonist's journey and experience the diverse customs and landscapes around the world, which greatly enriches our knowledge and expands our views.(阅读拓宽我们的视野。我们可以从书籍中了解不同的文化、历史和思想。例如,通过阅读《八十天环游世界》,我们可以跟随主人公的旅程,体验世界各地不同的风俗和风景,这极大地丰富了我们的知识,拓宽了我们的视野。)” “Secondly, reading improves our language skills. When we read extensively, we are exposed to various sentence structures, vocabulary and expressions, which can enhance our writing and speaking abilities. For instance, after reading many classic English novels, we may pick up some beautiful phrases and use them in our own compositions, making our writing more vivid and accurate.(阅读提升我们的语言技能。当我们广泛阅读时,我们会接触到各种各样的句子结构、词汇和表达方式,这可以提高我们的写作和口语能力。例如,在阅读了许多经典英文小说后,我们可能会学到一些优美的短语,并在自己的作文中使用它们,使我们的写作更加生动准确。)”每个观点后紧跟一个恰当的例子,使论述更具说服力。
结尾段要对全文进行总结并适当升华主题。一种常用的结尾模板是“总结观点 + 呼吁行动 / 展望未来”。“In conclusion, it is evident that reading plays a crucial role in our personal growth. It not only enriches our minds but also shapes our characters. Therefore, let's develop a good habit of reading and make it an indispensable part of our lives.(很明显阅读在我们的个人成长中发挥着重要作用。它不仅丰富我们的头脑,还塑造我们的性格。因此,让我们养成阅读的好习惯,使其成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。)”或者“Looking ahead, we should continue to emphasize the importance of reading and strive to create a reading - friendly environment for everyone. Only in this way can we truly benefit from the power of books and achieve a better future.(展望未来,我们应该继续重视阅读的重要性,努力为每个人创造一个阅读友好的环境。只有这样,我们才能真正从书籍的力量中受益,实现更美好的未来。)”这样的结尾既再次强调了主题,又给读者留下了深刻的印象和进一步思考的空间。
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